On the 20th December 2007, 6 volunteers namely, Chin han, Soke hwa, Kristin, Hui wen, Daisy(later part of the day and me gathered at Lydia's house to celebrate Christmas. We played mahjong, pick the bones and 'in between' on that day. It was also the first time that huiwen played mahjong. To be honest, she is quite a fast learner but it is not good to pick up these gambling games! Everyone enjoyed playing the 'In between' as there are losers like me who keep contributing to the pool of chips. I was the top loser followed by Kristin while the top Gainer was Huiwen.
After which, all of us went down to Jurong Point to meet Daisy and buy presents for the Christmas Present exchange at the later part of the night. We had lots of fun choosing and exchanging presents. Daisy also brought some of the brownies that she baked for the chirstmas celebration. It was delicious and too bad for those who did not get to taste it. Maybe can ask Daisy to bake for you next time. =) We also had some 'Tang Yuan' aka dumpling.
It was made by Chin han's mummy and it was.... SUPERB! There were Milo and chocolate dumplings TOO! (one of the Boys camp cheers)HUNGRY HUNGRY! CLAP CLAP, VERY HUNGRY! CLAP CLAP, WE ARE HUNGRY! CLAP CLAP...alrite i can hear you shouting "stop it!". So I shall. hehe
Soke Hwa, Kristin and Hui wen couldn't stayed any longer as they had work tomorrow and so the rest of us stayed at lydia's house to play mj.. again. We decided to make mj more interesting by drawing faces on the loser's face and for dunno what reason, in the end all our faces were painted with 'nice drawings'. I'm not going to show the pic as it is just too ugly! haha. The rest of us left Lydia's house at around 3am. All of us were tired but happy.
Thanks to Lydia for inviting us to her house! Thank you lydia! =) And thanks Chin han for giving us a lift back home! thank you Chin han!
Look at all the yummy food and presents on the table! Exchanging Presents Popping! Daisy - "arhh.. gonna kill chin han for this!" Look! Chin han is doing all the evil stuff! tsk tsk tsk.. By Jianwen
volunteers frm the boys home and hostel organised games for the boys' camp held in sembawang park frm 12th to 14th dec. camp turned out to be really fun! the boys' competitiveness and volunteers' enthusiasm really made the camp a success. jianwen was overall incharge. i would love to list the names of the other dedicated volunteers but it would be a really long list! so nvm lah k you guys know who you are can alr (:
day 1: we met at sembawang mrt station and made our way to the campsite (old brigade next to sembawang park). after some logistics and lunch, we played "double whacko". there were simply too many boys and volunteers and it was difficult to rmb everyone's names. plenty of friendly jeers for the ppl running around with the newsppr!
after this was "blanket game". each team had to squeeze themselves onto a small blanket, which was folded into half after every round. it was crazy and the boys began climbing on top of each other and forming really tall pyramids. looked dangerous but no major injuries (:
next was "move the water". teams had to transport water from a pail to a 1.5litre bottle using their body parts. aim of the game was to fill the bottle with water. most teams drank water from the pail and spitted it into the bottle. it turned out quite disgusting with water in the bottle turning whitish! erm.. haha no idea why..
then we had "finding the correct shoes". a person from the team was blindfolded. listening to instructions shouted by his team mates, he had to find his shoe from a large area. with 2teams playing at the same time and non-playing teams distracting the playing teams, things turned really noisy! it was difficult for the blindfolded person to hear the right instructions, and funny to see the blindfolded person wandering so helplessly.
next was "hula hoop game". each team held hands, formed a circle and passed hula hoops and strings through the circle. i wasnt around for this game so cant really describe it. but OBVIOUSLY it shd have been fun!
last game for the day was "modified captains ball". supposedly, the game was to be played like normal captains ball, except that legs of pairs of ppl were tied tgt and water bombs were used rather than balls. but with water bombs breaking so frequently and the boys complaining how painful their legs were, we reverted to normal game of captain ball. non playing teams were also given water guns to shoot at the playing teams (:
dinner time. after that, chinhan taught the boys some camp cheers. main cheer was "hey momma". a catchy beat with even catchier dance moves! we also have "hungry hungry cheer" to be chanted prior every meal, "macho/sexy frog cheer", and "peeping-through-the-window cheer". all really cute. and all sung cooperatively and enthusiastically by the boys!
last event for the day was night walk. oh my. really scary. we were walking along a steep cliff on really wet and slippery stones. some fell. me included. erm.. i meant fell a little bit down a few stones, not down the cliff. obviously.
bath time then lights out for the boys. volunteers gathered at the girls dorm. nth much just relaxing and talking. and getting to know each other. oh, alot of teasing of *ahem* and *ahem* too. shant name names!
day 2: morning jog followed by breakfast. then it was time for "obstacle course". pairs were tied tgt at the legs and made to dribble balls, jump ropes, duck walk and burst water ballons using their butts. a game of coordination and stamina. could see the team quite breathless toward the end of the obstacle course.
"lend me your eyes and ears". also played in pairs. one of the pair is blindfolded and made to piggyback the other, who was to guide the blindfolded through an obstacle course. plenty of sweat, flour and peanut butter involved (:
now teams were given time and props to prepare for a 5min performance tt they had to stage later on that night. theme: a crazy story. boys were somewhat unwilling to participate initially, but after warming up to the idea it got better.
time for "soapy tug of war". teams stood on a soapy sheet of canvas while playing tug of war. alot of pulling and falling. some crazy boys tied the rope around their waists! and when the rope was pulled -- ouch! haha quite funny actually.
last game for the camp: water bomb! it was boys vs. volunteers and instructors. like every other water bomb game, it was wet and fun (:
free time then bbq dinner. as instructed by the instructors, the boys attended to the bbq pits and served food to the volunteers. a little embarrassing.. after this it was time for the teams to stage their performance. the teams did a really gd job. could see that the boys and volunteers really put their hearts into it. we had performances of crazy people frm the asylum, powerpuff girls, gangsters turned ah guas, and tigers in shopping malls. all acted enthusiastically and all deserve much credit.
lights out for the boys. volunteers gathered tgt to play polarbear and a pen snatching game late into the night.
day 3: wake up. breakfast. go home -- exhuasted but happy.
the camp was a success. much credit really goes to the dedicated volunteers (: hope the next camp will be just as successful, if not better!
The movie event of the year! Titled: Sembawang Boys Camp...Get ready..Starring Thumbelina and the 5 kaypohs
On Sunday (2 Dec), Jianwen (the organiser of games for the coming boys camp), Rabin, Chin Han, Daisy and I (game masters) met up at Sembawang Park to recce the grounds and choose the sites for the games that we would be playing in the December camp to be held on the 12 to 14. Sembawang Park turned out to have quite a few patches of land but most of the ground had lots of slopes. So, it ended up that we could only hold our games in a few places. The flatest piece of land we could find was chosen to be the location for games such as soapy tug-of-war and modified captain's ball while the largest field which had trees in it was chosen for games such as the obstacle course and water bomb. We wanted to have as much variety as possible in the locations for our games and even planned to have one of the games on the beach itself but changed our minds when we saw that it was around 2 metres wide. We finally decided the better option would be to hold one of our games on the path along the beach.
Our group then made our way to the Boys' Brigade and Girls' Brigade Campsite (accomodation for the camp). The campsite has a pretty large field with a scary looking obstacle course at the back of it.We decided to hold some of our games in this field. After we had finalized the locations for our games, we decided to check out the rooms that we would be staying in. All the rooms we walked by had the windows shut, curtains drawn and door locked, therefore, we couldn't see the inside of the rooms. Everyone agreed that the place had an eerie feel to it (this was when we were checking the place out with the sun shining brightly... so it looks like the nights we will be spending at the camp will be pretty exciting... ). While checking the rooms, we came across a small hall in the corridor. We were quite happy to see that we could have a space to play some games if it rained. We then made our way up to the third floor, where the NTU volunteers would be staying, and this was where we found a room with the windows opened. Jianwen stuck his hand through the window to pull aside the curtains and we saw that the room had double decker beds. Just as we were discussing that it would be impossible to shift the beds from one room to another we heard some angry shouts from below. Apparently, the security uncle was furious with us for trespassing the property. This was because we had not informed anyone that we were there. All of us quickly rushed down, apologised to him and got out of the place.
Although our recce session didn't end too pleasantly, all of us were still excited about the fun we would have with the games during the camp. Well, i'm looking forward to the 12 of Dec and hopefully the rest of the volunteers will be too : )