last saturday morning.. we had 4 freshies: Hao Sheng, V.V, Ken Vin and Nicole! ice breakers in school! we played games like "who what huh" and "drinking goggles". many people had to do forfeits, including pole dances and asking random people for their numbers + saying "i am interested in you". hahahaha.

then we played a few mass games before starting out on the food fest hunt!
our food chain:
Donut --> Nutella --> Laksa --> Sarsi --> Seaweed --> Wheatgrass --> Grass jelly --> Jelly bubble tea --> Tea egg --> Egg sandwich

Pitstop at Chinatown! we had to sing "when you believe" acoustic plus actions! luckily seow hong was one of the station masters! (i never say anything ah...)

2nd pitstop at National Library! played charades! Daisy was trying to describe "old lady going to the zoo to take picture with ah meng". it was very very difficult!

reached Botanic Gardens but sadly the station masters werent expecting us to arrive so fast. so nobody was there! then we received news about a change in final destination to the esplanade.. camwhored abit first. haha.

random mascot we saw at citylink outside num.

due to unforeseen circumstances, our blk had the least number of volunteers+seniors. but that didnt deter us from getting
first again! (: sakae voucher!

keep up the gd work guys. hopefully blk d will win next year again.
ps: sorry if the entry looks abit like mine. "occupational hazard" (advertise abit. hahah)
pps: hope u guys like the new layout, songs and stuffs. pls give feedback and suggestions on what other things u want on the interface! and i think i need help with using blogskin's template.. anyone?