Hi all !! I finally write my blog entry! First at all, I apologize for owing you all a blog entry for quite a long time. I am going to write about our last-last-last session which was on... erm... 30 July. (Since it happened three weeks ago, I need to recall what was going on. Don’t worry... I’ll try my best.)
Khalisah, Ah Chai, Jianwen, Chinhan, Huiwen, Haosheng and I came for the session that day. We were playing broad games like Uno, Chinese chess and Snorta. The boys were a lot that day, more than our expectation. Since we only had three broad games, some of the boys were not joining us and chitchatting in the back of the room (or just stared blankly there?!) Anyone who is holding other broad games please let Khalisah know and bring it next time so that we will have more broad games to play in the future and let more boys join the game.
I played Uno at first but later I noticed that Snorta looked interesting although I totally didn’t know its rules. Huiwen and Chinhan were playing it with another four boys. Each player need to think a sound of animal. Each round each of them reveals a card in turn. Once the card is identical to another player’s card, they have to imitate their opponent’s sound. The slower is the loser and he has to take over his opponent’s card. The one who first finishes his cards is the winner. After I joined them, they changed the rules. We needed to think a singer’s/actress’ name or a place name. Most of the names I never heard before and I was short memory to memorize them. I end up with ‘collecting’ the cards. (Lol.. Fortunately there was no penalty. Hahha..)
The session ended at almost 9.30pm. After that, we had a birthday celebration for our charming Jianwen and Khalisah yang cantik dan bijaksana.
Khalisah and Jianwen were making their wish(es).
Chinhan bought the delicious mango cake.
Uncle Lee was cutting the cake (not easy to cut it) and distributing it to everyone. Thanks ya~~ Uncle Lee!!