The night was rainy but the members' spirits were not dampened by the wet, muddy journey as droves turned up for the annual dinner appreciation with ready smiles and hungry stomachs in anticipation of the mouth-watering eight-course feast in a cosy Chinese restaurant known as Guilin located at Bukit Batok.
The annual event is to thank the old volunteers, anyone who has served with their hearts for a minimum of one year, for dedicating their time and effort in helping people who are less fortunate than us. The world is not a fairy-tale land for anyone. But helping one another is the only way to bring us closer to this Utopia.
During the event, our attention was divided between the food and the entertaining host. Guilin restaurant's reputation will unlikely be affected by its food review here, so lets begin the food report :) The food neither exploded any orgasmic sensation in the palate, nor tasted like common hawker food. It was generally satisfactory to most of us, based on no one commenting similiar to - "The food is fan-freaking-tastic!" - within hearing range, or throwing up within sight.
The host, an NTU student, created positive energy in the atmosphere with his antics, to add to the socialising amongst ourselves over dinner. Couples were drawn from the crowd to play in games like acting in MTV to Indian, Malay and Chinese songs. The audience were very amused as a result. The guest-of-honour, an NTU professor, also displayed his martial arts skills with fierce shouts accompanying every bone-breaking leg or hand thrusts.
The new committee was also ushered in officially that night and appreciation awards were also handed out to deserving volunteers. Overall, it was not a bad way to spend a rainy evening :)
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