Monday, 1 December 2008

final session + farewell

chin han! i'm here!

first of all, congrats to everyone! we survived yet another round of exams!!

ok moving to the first item on the agenda: our final session for sem 1. since it was to be the final session, boon ming and ah chai put in some effort to make it a memorable one. we played hangman, with the boys vs. the volunteers. for the first few rounds, each team thought of words for the other team to guess, and it was a close fight! for the final rounds, boon ming came up with some questions for us to guess..and the boys started to take the lead..and they ended up winning with a comfortable margin. but of course, we were happy to let them win!

oh i must state for the record that hui wen was a very good guesser! she even managed to guess 'McSpicy'..which to me is pretty amazing hahah

after the game and prize-giving session, chin han took out his multi-coloured ice cream sticks, and we were supposed to write messages to the boys and they would write messages to us. this was quite a good idea! provided you had boys you wanted to write messages to hahah. soke hwa, i still have your ice cream stick ok!

all in all, i would say that it was a really fun and memorable session. thanks to those who put in effort to make it such a great session! :)


now moving on to the farewell part..

since i'll be going on exchange next semester, this semester is my last in ntu. hahah i didn't even realise it was my last session until on that day itself! and because it's my last session, i was tasked to blog about it and also to write my farewell thoughts.

hmm. i'm not really sure what to write. coz it still feels a little unreal..

i'll start off by thanking all of you, my fellow volunteers. especially those who've been with me since i joined in year 1. the years have gone by just like that! thank you all for giving me such wonderful memories. i think..the time i spent with you all, whether at sessions or at our (very rare) outings are definitely among the happiest in my university life.

although there were definitely some times when it felt like a chore to have to go for sessions every week, i don't think i ever regretted going for any one of them. and it's definitely something i will miss when i'm in canada :( well, hopefully i'll be able to join u all for some sessions when i come back! all don't have to be too sad and start missing me now! hahahha. coz i'll still be here for the camp! i didn't get to take part in the camp last year, so luckily i have another chance this year before i leave. let's make it a wonderful one k!

ok this is a really long post. (chin han! more than 5 paragraphs already! hahah) but if u don't remember anything about the long story i wrote, the main point is this:

thanks for the memories! :)

take care, guys and gals!


chinhan said...

Hello jiayin.. Great entry! Mans.. Here goes 3 years in wsc rite? *Blink and we are "oldest".. And yUPZ Jiayin, Camp is around the corner so 23/10 is not your last session haha, you still got to go through "3 more days of volunteering" this semester. Anw it has been great volunteering with you, a 200% volunteer. Cheers mate!

Anonymous said...

MEMORIES GOT INCLUDE MI OR NOT? lol.... i promise i will stop irritating you if you include mi in the memories. haha....

jiayin said...

got la got can not have you..since you are always irritating me..hahah i will hold you to that promise ah! so from now u cannot use words like 'idiotic' 'cheeky' and 'train'. acceptable words include 'nice' 'pretty' 'smart' 'kind' :)