Tuesday, 29 December 2009
Blk D Annual Camp 2009
Hope all of u are having a good time holiday-ing... I know i am... Haha....
Anyways.. I wanna talk about the camp... Well done everyone!! =) You all did a great job... Thanks to all those involved for attending the camp and making it a success... It wldnt have been what it was without ur support and enthusiasm throughout the camp... Once again, job well done!! =)
Thanks to Alvis, Adillia and Maryam for helping out as well.. Hope it was a great experience for u guys.. Also... Thanks to Chinhan for always giving ur support... Thanks also to Peggy, Huiwen and Huikoon for coming.. =) Sorry didnt really entertain u guys.. =x
Personally, i had fun throughout the whole 3D2N... Conducting the games.. Interacting with the boys.. And not forgetting bonding sessions among us fellow volunteers.. Not only that.. It was an eye-opener and gave me many valuable lessons... I find it enriching and it benefitted me a lot.. I hope the same goes for all those involved in the camp.. Will be looking forward to future camps and i hope more will take part next time.. Hee.. =)
Below are short writeups by sum of those involved in the camp... =)
It wasn’t an easy 2 days doing activities for the Boys’ home camp! It was a challenging yet rewarding one. Ranging from folding the map game to mummy’s water bomb, it was played with much enthusiasm and competitiveness from the boys. Through the games, we were able to interact with the boys though at times they were very competitive and do everything to be the best! The camp began with ice breaker games where they were actually quite sporting to play those indoor games. Being boys going through their teenage days, they were energetic and would love to run around and play ball games! 2 days of fun ended with mummy water bomb where the boys put all their efforts to go against the volunteers and attack with all their might! It was a fun 2 days where both the volunteers and the boys had loads of fun, not to mention the volunteers had various bonding session in the bunks! I believe I got to know the rest of the volunteers more and better, making good friends along the way! It was not a wasted effort in preparing for the games!
-Zaidi (aka RAFFLES BOY!!)
The block D camp turns out to be more smooth than expected. Although it rain for the first and second day, most of the activities were carried out quite smoothly. Before the camp, most of us are still worrying that the boys may not be participative and not enjoying the games that we organise but it turns out well. Most of them enjoyed it very much and through some of the games can tell that they have built quite a strong friendship and bonds from the days in the home in their own clicks. Being a group leader turns out to be easier than expected. Initially find that it is really a bit hard to get to the same frequency with them as cannot really find a lot of common topics to talk about but after the camp, really think that by organising events such as camps can really bond the volunteers and the boys together. Since during the games the whole team actually got together, think and work with one another to complete the tasks. Day one of the camp ended with a night walk that the staffs organise. Day two of the camp seems to entice the boys more maybe due to the fact that they prefer more physical activities. Games such as fragile captains ball, mummy water bomb, soapy Tug-of-War and the slightly different soccer match conducted in the canteen were more popular and participative among them. Day two of the camp ended with a buffet BBQ that was setup by the boys and the performance by the team. Although I did not participate in the performance put up by the team, by sitting below the stage and watching them putting up the skit all by themselves make me feel proud of being their team leader. Had a small bonding sessions after the performance as the teams shared the prizes they won. Really get to know some of them quite well as some actually came to me and ask about stuff like how to get into university, and national service while few even mentioned how they end up in the home and their future plans. Overall it was a very meaningful event that I have attended and I think such events should have been carried out more frequently as this allows us to get to know the boys more.
All I wanted to say is that I have totally enjoyed this camp and it has helped not only the boys to strengthen their relationships with each other, but also brought across volunteers from different youth blocks together as one and made the camp such a success. Some of the boys at the camp were from Block E, and they were transferred to Block D due to their good behavior and recommendations from their officers and social workers. It was great to see them once again after so long, and I hope that the next time I see them, it will be outside (full discharged) and not inside the Home.
-Alvis (Blk E)
We live in 2 different worlds." It was a huge reality check for me when i heard that statement from one of the boys. Or probably it's just that I have been trying to ignore this "fact". Bonding with the boys has made me realise the importance of having an education, good peer influence and a bonded family tops the list. I feel that it is important for us to try our best in changing that perception of theirs; us and them leading very different lives and it is almost impossible for them to "cross-over". We need to show them that there are people out there who GENUINELY cares for them. This is because they kept questioning why the volunteers would want to "waste" 3 days being in the camp with them and whether we got anything out of it. But when they saw that we were truly sincere in being there at the camp, it was nice to see them opening up and sharing their life experiences without any hesitation. We need to earn their TRUST. What they need most now is for us to be their listening ears and for us to motivate them and not give up on them. I always believe that people can change and if these boys are willing to change for the better, we should give them the support that they need! I am really happy that I went for this camp and i urge more youths out there to take up this opportunity if it ever comes your way! You'll not only be helping society but it is also good for the soul! (:
-Adillia (Girls Home)
I think of the many camps that I've been to, this has been one of the most eye-opening ones. For me, this camp did not just benefit the boys from the home, it benefited us as volunteers and me, personally, as an individual too. On the whole though, I feel more effort needed to be made to reach out to the boys on a level that went beyond just playing games and sharing jokes. Many of these boys had stories that were waiting to be told, and both groups, the volunteers and the boys, were only just learning about how different, yet similar we were, by the time the camp drew to a close. On a side note, perhaps more Malay volunteers should be included in future camps, as I feel language was a major factor in being able to reach out to the boys. Having said so, I think we had a great time bonding with the boys from different races, cultures and backgrounds, and I certainly look forward to being a part of such camps again in the future.
-Maryam (Girls Home)
Saturday, 5 December 2009
First Session (22/10/09)
Monday, 9 November 2009
Our second and also considered the last session of the year, ended last Thursday, 29 October 2009. It was quite a sad thing coz we just started our journey on as volunteers for Blk D and it ended so quickly for this semester as we need to stop for exams period. Us, as group member of group 1 organized games for the boys and our fellow volunteers. A game that we have specially prepared for them was Pictionary (guessing of words from the drawings). It was kind of fun though we felt that we were not interacting enough with the boys, as the boys tend to play the game amongst themselves rather than with us. But it’s alright, coz it’s just the 2nd session, maybe we are still not warmed up yet. Haha. I’m sure we’ll better interact with each other in future sessions, making those sessions more alive and less awkward.
- Group 1 (Zhenguo, Chris, Melody, Baoling)
Thursday, 22 October 2009
Session 15/10/09
The briefing was very informative and quite important. Besides understanding the missions and visions of MCYS, we are enlightened by how the whole rehabilitation process works and revolves around families and community. As such, once we are active members of block D volunteers, I must say, we can be proud to be part of this rehabilitation process! Apart from that, the 3 wonderful ladies that briefed us also warned and emphasized on the Do’s and Don’ts such as our dress code and our activities limitations.
Some might not agree that the best part of the evening was the dinner, so another best part of it was the post session. We had a mini introduction which I hope we can get to interact more in the future so that we can be a strongly united block D volunteers! We also had a mini birthday celebration to those October volunteers who are HuiJia, Nicole, Yeshma, Michelle and Berne.
Here are some of the photos of the birthday celebration!
After which, it was home sweet home and to some of us supper! So do join in more for supper so that we can get to know more of each other! =)
- Zaidi
More photos will be up on facebook.. Hee.. Wanna see go there n add me.. Wahaha.. Orientation photos also.. =)
Good job Zaidi..
Thursday, 15 October 2009
Session 8/10/09
And to Jianwen: THANKS AH FOR THE PREVIOUS ENTRY -.- You better hope you don't lose in Bluff tonight hehehehe.
Monday, 12 October 2009
Supper 8.10.2009

Enjoying themselves WOR... Hehehe

Poor huiwen... got left out....

Picture perfect!

So who ate the rojak??

Nicest pic of the day = )
Ok folks, you all seen it. Its pretty obvious and i got nothing else to say. U know it and i know it too. Actually everyone knows it. Since you know it, i do not need to say anything more. But for some who just dun get it, i say say it one last time -> You can make good friends in WSC. Cheeros!
*Naughty naughty you. What are u thinking of! HAHAHA.
Wednesday, 23 September 2009
The new volunteers had written a paragraph on the orientation.. Althou not all submit their paragraph.. -.- This was wat they wrote...
We went sentosa for our orientation. It was an interesting experience, getting to know more about what we would be doing in the block d. We played some LAME games and built a sand castle with which we deserved to win!!! Finally came the BBQ at that ulu Labrador Park. It was nice to meet my fellow block d mates and i cant wait to get started.
Hey guys! The orientation camp was cool; it was great for me to meet with the other members of WSC. The food was good too. I had real fun and I look forward to go to the boys’ home.
The orientation at sentosa on saturday came out much more interesting than i thought. Initially still hesitating whether should i attend but after going through it, feel that it was quite an enjoyable session. Throughout the whole orientation can see that all the existing volunteers and seniors really put in their efforts to organise this event to let us new volunteers to get to know one another better. Although it was not say the best orientation that i have attended, but it really gives me a break out of the hectic web assignments and really appreciate the efforts that all the seniors have put in to organise this session.
Although it was a Saturday spent at Sentosa and Vivocity, it was a great way to spend the Saturday with like-minded people. It was a great way to spend a morning by breaking the ice and making new friends. I was quite amazed by the volunteers that signed up for Youth; everyone just came with an open mind! Not only that, I was actually expecting freshies to be the main bulk of the new volunteers but apparently there are a significant number of seniors who came in as new volunteers as well. The games were simple such as sandcastle making competition which I believe we should have won and treasure hunting was just amazing when the group kind of got separated but we hunt for each other and met up back again somehow! It just goes to show block D peeps have telepathy to find each other at the end of the day! The day ended off with a nice BBQ in which the food was great and there was plenty to eat! Overall, it really spurs us up for the upcoming challenge as a volunteer for the boys' home block D! =)
Building sand castle was fantastic! Group number sort of multiplied when we combined with Blk B. Uber fun under the sun !!! Free scrub for our feet and our hands too ! what more can we ask for? Hahahaha. Perspired as one to work on our masterpiece. Smelly, then smelly together! The castle was such a pride and joy ! Glad that we got 2nd place in the end after the "ang moh" judged. I bet he was amazed at our enthusiasm :D
I truly enjoyed myself on youth orientation day. Its is a good experience for me to bond with the fella blk D members. Khalisa is the prettiest woman I have seen on Earth. hahaha:)
What we did on that day was..
- Meet at Harbourfront station at 9am
- Fill in clearance form
- Head to Sentosa
- Icebreaking games
- Lunch
- Sandcastle building (we made alliance with blk B volunteers.. N i our sandcastle is REALLY very nice.. We really have creative ppl on board.. =))
- Wash up
- Head to VivoCity
- Played 'Shop Hunt' (Take a photo in front of the shops according to the theme of the shops..)
- Head to Labrador Park
- BBQ!!!
- Home Sweet Home
I hope all the new volunteers had a good time during the orientation.. If u happen to drop by this blog do drop a comment ya.. =)
N i hereby welcome all you new volunteers to the Blk D family... Wee~~ =)
Photos cant be uploaded right now cos still unable to upload to my laptop... Haha.. =p
Tuesday, 25 August 2009
Session on 30 July
Hi all !! I finally write my blog entry! First at all, I apologize for owing you all a blog entry for quite a long time. I am going to write about our last-last-last session which was on... erm... 30 July. (Since it happened three weeks ago, I need to recall what was going on. Don’t worry... I’ll try my best.)
Khalisah, Ah Chai, Jianwen, Chinhan, Huiwen, Haosheng and I came for the session that day. We were playing broad games like Uno, Chinese chess and Snorta. The boys were a lot that day, more than our expectation. Since we only had three broad games, some of the boys were not joining us and chitchatting in the back of the room (or just stared blankly there?!) Anyone who is holding other broad games please let Khalisah know and bring it next time so that we will have more broad games to play in the future and let more boys join the game.
I played Uno at first but later I noticed that Snorta looked interesting although I totally didn’t know its rules. Huiwen and Chinhan were playing it with another four boys. Each player need to think a sound of animal. Each round each of them reveals a card in turn. Once the card is identical to another player’s card, they have to imitate their opponent’s sound. The slower is the loser and he has to take over his opponent’s card. The one who first finishes his cards is the winner. After I joined them, they changed the rules. We needed to think a singer’s/actress’ name or a place name. Most of the names I never heard before and I was short memory to memorize them. I end up with ‘collecting’ the cards. (Lol.. Fortunately there was no penalty. Hahha..)
The session ended at almost 9.30pm. After that, we had a birthday celebration for our charming Jianwen and Khalisah yang cantik dan bijaksana.
Khalisah and Jianwen were making their wish(es).
Chinhan bought the delicious mango cake.
Uncle Lee was cutting the cake (not easy to cut it) and distributing it to everyone. Thanks ya~~ Uncle Lee!!
Huiwen and Ah Chai (or Jason??) :
Oh no!!
Ah Chai was playing with fire!! Fortunately he didn’t burn the boys home.
a gift for Khalisah (from Chinhan)
At the end, we took a photo together (with a different background).
This one looks nicer:
Oh yeah!!! I have completed my blog entry. HS, it is your turn now. Hahhaha…
Wednesday, 19 August 2009
WSC Welcome Tea
TOMORROW!! (20 August)
630 - 930 PM
Recruitment Interview
24 & 25 August!!
Student Activities Centre
7 - 1030 PM
You can come and attend the Welcome Tea to get to know more about what the different branches of WCS do.. The recruitment interview is COMPULSORY for u to join the club.. As long as we can see that u have the passion, the enthusiasm and able to commit, there is a high chance of being part of our Youth family.. So do remember the dates.. I am looking forward to meet all of u... Hee.. =) See ya!!
N YENBIN!!! U still still STILL owe us an entry.. Hehehehe... Everyone is waiting.. Even the potential members of our blk.. =p Hehehehe....
Friday, 24 July 2009
Soo.... What have been going on within our blk these days?? Haha.. Sessions as usual.. The first session (9/7) was an awkward one.. With only 6 (??) volunteers and 5 boys we couldnt really do much.. So we ended just having chitchat session with the boys...
Last week (16/7) was games day.. We played Stare&Stance first.. This is where the boys and volunteers stood in pairs, back-to-back, and at the count of 3, they face each other and try to keep a straight face... The ones who laughed first will have to sit out of the game.. The process is continued until we have the last person standing as the winner... Lucky i was the one conducting the game.. Cos i am sooo very sure if i played, i will be out at the very first round.. =x Hahaha... After tat game, we had a game of Hangman.. And the session was over...
Yesterday, was supposed to be tuition.. But knowing the boys, they didnt even bring along their books.. We had assessment books with us but.... Hahaha.... They just werent interested.. So session turned to chitchat session yet again...
After session, had a mini belated birthday celebration for our dear Chinhan... Hope he liked the MINI celebration.. Haha.. Since there was only a total of 5 f us... Heh...
More photos on my fb.. Oh oh oh.. My turn next week ok... Monday 27/7... I want a lot a lot of presents ok ppl... WAHAHAHA... Ok shameless i noe.. =p Joking only laa.. Hehehe..
Next week will be games.. Most probably boardgames.. I hope most of u tat are available can make it okays.. See ya! In the meantime... Dun miss me ok... Wahaha... =p Ok i talk too much alr.. Bye..
*Oh, i've added in my blog link.. Haha.. U can go visit if u all got nth better to do.. =p*
Friday, 10 July 2009
Family Day 2009
The Fantastic 4

The Performers.. GOT seowhong!

80% Seowhong look-alike

Introducing 1/3 of the dancers. Courtesy of SBH! wOOHOOOoo!!

Awaiting the announcement of the winning team... *DRUMS...

Winning team and supportive friends = )

Finally, the Magician and his pigeon disappearing acts that kept us entertained throughout.

Overall, it was a fun and relaxing day. The boys and their families enjoyed themselves and so do us. Not to mention there were also family games, nice food and a chinese wushu uncle and auntie combi too, which was rather different from previous years. Most importantly, it fosters family bonding and i for one will be looking forward to the next year's family day.
Saturday, 2 May 2009
Ice Skating @ Kallang Leisure Park
butt pain and very paiseh if fall down
so i told myself must not FALL DOWN !(i didnt wear extra underwear to protect my butt)

pls wear extra underwear when go for ice skating, it surely protect your butt!
wear RED

Owner of Botak Jones really botak, look at the name card you will agree with me

Thursday, 26 March 2009
the end of Chinhan's dynasty....
little bit 'kua zhang'(exaggerate) ya .
No space for an ant to climb in also... haha
but seriouly i salute chinhan's effort to write every one of us a card ! we appreciate it !
dont read wat he has wrote for me, btw i have blurred it ..hehe
for the past one year, chinhan has been done a GREAT job as a block D centre head.
From interview, recruitment booth , welcome tea, workshop, 'Bee Attacks' Boys camp 08 and weekly sessions, he has shown his greatest efforts, responsibilities and commitments to Block D.
Summore this year is his Final year+ FYP, you can see how busy he is!
But he still done well Bravo ChinHan!
hope every volunteers will continue stay at Block D next year and
give our fully supports to Khalisah !
KEEP the spirit HIGH!
-the end-
Good luck and all the best to all graduating volunteers esp in this difficult downturn period.
Do come back and visit us during session in future.