Although today's session to Home has canceled, but alot of volunteers also turn up for the last debrief. Some even got quiz tomorrow lol....
as 'usual', chinhan's treat again ! this time is Sakae Sushi... Notice the photo got one ppl using hand while others using chopstick! Guess is who ??? (Hint: is Shxo Hxxg).... For VV, at least he try one sushi although does not taste good for him lol....
Chinhan busy distributing his small but long written cards to everyone of us ! I will show you how long he has wrote !
after 10mins of reading chinhan's card, khalisah still reading it... u say long onot ...haha little bit 'kua zhang'(exaggerate) ya .
this is how long chinhan has wrote on my card ! No space for an ant to climb in also... haha but seriouly i salute chinhan's effort to write every one of us a card ! we appreciate it ! dont read wat he has wrote for me, btw i have blurred it ..hehe
for the past one year, chinhan has been done a GREAT job as a block D centre head. From interview, recruitment booth , welcome tea, workshop, 'Bee Attacks' Boys camp 08 and weekly sessions, he has shown his greatest efforts, responsibilities and commitments to Block D. Summore this year is his Final year+ FYP, you can see how busy he is! But he still done well Bravo ChinHan! maybe these are the reasons y she is so attracted to him, hahaha
our upcoming 09/10 Block D centrehead ! Khalisah! hope every volunteers will continue stay at Block D next year and give our fully supports to Khalisah ! KEEP the spirit HIGH!
-the end-
Good luck and all the best to all graduating volunteers esp in this difficult downturn period. Do come back and visit us during session in future.
Like every fine boring thursday evening, Dedicated-me was one of theEarliest to reach The Canteen Under New Cant. A as usual, wait until sian.... then came Tall, tall Yen Bin(2nd placing).....
--- I shall skip the whole chunk of boring stuff that happened before the session, like how I waited for Old Centre Head Chin Han until sian and how Evil and handsome Seow Hong "psycho" GirlfriendSH Daisy to "pon" the session. and the always-very-crowded-and-long 199 ride. etc.---
Ok, so it was Tuition Week for the Boys and I can see the passion burning in everyone's eyes ( ゚ ヮ゚). woah. All of us were assigned to the boys and vice versa, and the more "zai" volunteers like Old Centre Head Chin Han and New Centre Head Khalisah handled a bigger group of boys. Everyone was having Fun Studying and some of the groups turned into Chit-Chat Sessions. (As we were separated into 2 rooms, I apologise(sincerely ._.) that I can only account for the happenings in the room I was in.)
In my room, we had Old Centre Head Chin Han, New Centre Head Khalisah, Dedicated-me, Bad Influence Ah Chai, "Kena" Bad Influenced VV and Kenvin-and-Barbara.
For myself, I partnered Old-CH CH and we had this group of boys that we had to break ice with racy topics*censored*. I thought it was courageous of them to open up and speak to us about their experiences and thoughts, and I like these mutual interactions among ourselves(Not Gay), even though there were times when they made Old-CH CH rather uncomfortable with their bombardment of questions. Old-CH CH was also trying very hard to change their mentality on their "beliefs", which was more or less furtile. hahaha.
On another corner of the room, I saw a Motherly/Sisterly Figure. She is the New-CH Khalisah. o_O. She was having no trouble handling her boys(as expected from a CH) and nearing the end of the session, the boys were already singing and having fun.
Bad Influence Ah Chai and "Kena" Bad Influenced VV started out well by helping out some boys with their work. However after they were done, I could see them conversing and chuckling between themselves, which I believed was the exchanging of the Most Powerful Cantonese Vocab and Most Powerful Hindi Vocab.
Kenvin-and-Barbara was in their own world, happily chatting, buuutttt thheeennnn... Old-CH CH(Spoil-er) came and told them to join New-CH Khalisah.
Hmmm.. so basically thats all for the session and I believed it was a fruitful night for all of us (is it?).
After the session, most of us stayed to celebrate VV-Day, and VV had Claypot Chicken and BBQ wings for a treat. I could see that VV was very happy hence i deduced that he really enjoyed the food and of course the company of the BLOCK D VOLUNTEERS!
(after that.. VV was so moved that he cried and thank all of us..... like real.)
Happy Belated VV-Day! Let's cherish every session and next week's the last of the sem.(finally=_=)!
PS: I've disabled the comments, so if u guys have any comments can call me at 999095482.
It was a game session this Thursday and it was conducted by Henry, the Game Master. It was a job well done by Henry as it was clear that most of the boys enjoyed themselves. It was a picture game whereby the boys were given a theme and were to draw according to the themes. There were 3 rounds in all.
In the first round, the theme was “Your Favourite Food”. There were many interesting drawings, like ice-cream, a complete MacDonald meal, bubble tea (which is also my favorite! haha), fish, roasted beef and many more. The second theme was “My Dream Girl”. Again, there were very creative drawings. The boy whom I was paired with, was so focused drawing his dream girl. He was actually drawing his girlfriend, whom he said was currently in hospital due to a leg injury. Kinda sweet seeing a guy so focused drawing a picture of his girlfriend=) And the last theme was “My Favorite Cartoon”.
After the drawings were submitted and the top 3 were shortlisted for voting, I realized that many of the shortlisted drawings were drawn by the same few boys. This means those boys really have a talent for drawing! And of course, everyone put in effort into their drawings and it was nice getting their participation.
The boy whose drawing gathered the most votes was rewarded with a chocolate bar. At this point, I observed something. One of the boys won a chocolate bar and he unwrapped it. However before he even took a bite himself, he passed it to his friend to take a bite first. I thought it was very nice of him. And after he took a bite himself, he passed it to a few other friends and so the bar was shared among so many of them. What a sense of brotherhood I thought. They must have forged a really strong bond amongst them which I believe will make them buddies forever=)
That’s about all! It’s the March holidays for them next wk so guess they can take a good break. But its tuition for them next wk too! Haha hope it did not dampen their holiday mood ;P
We also celebrated Ivy's 21st birthday at the end of the session!