Thursday, 5 February 2009

Session after CNY

Today was the fourth day of CNY~~ Everywhere was filled with the CNY atmosphere, even in Boys’ home.
This was Group 3’s turn to prepare the game for those boys. We prepared many candies for all the boys who participate in the game “Pass the message” session. The winner group could get some chewy gum (the best prize!!). However, they showed their good teamwork and finally made it a tie! In the end, they had to play “Scissors, Stone, Cloth” to decide the winner. For those who were lost, they also could get some mentos!! =)
Although it was CNY, some boys were very hardworking as they requested for tuition instead of playing game. We shall big them a loud applause. *Clap clap*

Time flew. The first session after CNY was come to the end.
Happy lunar new year~~

Poh Ling=)

1 comment:

chinhan said...

Poh ling's first entry for Blk D wWOoohOOo! Hope you guys got keep the receipt so that michelle can claim for you.. Happy Year Of Ox!! Block D HUAT ah!!!!!!! ` )