Saturday, 30 October 2010

281010: Origami

This Thursday for session, we taught the boys how to fold paper flowers for the new volunteers coming in. At first they were very bored and said they didn't like it but eventually as the session progressed, they got so into folding and decorating it they didn't want to leave! The officer even had to chase them back to their rooms. Too bad we didn't have enough colored paper for them haha. They were really creative, one boy even folded a heart with the extra paper and put it in the centre of the flower. You guys can see some of the flowers we took pictures of below (:

- Random lame joke -

Me: Zhengxin, what kind of flowers are these?
Zx: (In a very serious tone) Oh this one ah.. This one.. Idk.
Me: -.- You are the one who went to research how to fold it!

- end of lame joke -

1 comment:

chinhan said...

Hi peeps, hahaha nice lame joke but nice innovative way to engage the boys to new activities. Keep it up! =

-Chin han