Thursday, 29 December 2011
Our last Wednesday session of 2011
Our day started earlier than usual sessions as we met up in school to play Munchkin. Big thanks to Kai Xiang for organizing! Since it's my first time playing it, I feel that it is a really really complicated game as we have to kill monsters to level up, and try to saboh those who are winning. But it's really a great game! I know it sounds interesting to you, so do come for our next Boardgame session okay? :D
So we had our first round of 'trying-out', and when everyone was more familiar with the game, one round actually lasted for two hours! Yes, you didn't read wrongly. TWO HOURS. And so, it was time for dinnerrrrrr!
Over at the home, we played a game called Charaboo (Charades + Taboo) with them. It was really fun playing with them, especially when they guessed it wrongly. For the first question, the answer was model, and initially my group members thought their friend acted out a prostitute! O.O
And of course, it's always more relaxing to be an audience than a performer. So it was time for us volunteers to act out, and the question we had was Kung Fu Panda. Don't say it's easy! Because it's really quite hard to act it out T.T Despite our lousy acting, they still managed to guess it right! :D
At the end of the game, the winning group had a packet of cookies, followed by sweets and biscuits. It's really nice to see that no matter which group won, everything will be shared among everyone. ((:
Lastly, since it was the last Wednesday session of 2011, Kelvin wanted them to write down what they wanted to be in 2012. A better person? Or a handsome and rich man? And they had to fold it into a heart and exchange with their friends. Some wrote they wanted to be superman, while others wanted to be more gangster and so on.
But I guess although that's what they wrote, deep inside they knew what they really wanted to be in 2012.
To end this post, I wish that all boys and volunteers will have an awesome 2012! :D
Lots of love,
Friday, 23 December 2011
Hohoho... It's the christmas week! (≧∇≦)ノ

Supposed to have christmas celebration for the boys but we decided to just play board games (But actually what I really meant was just chinese chess and monopoly deal! We need more fun games! Hahaha!) So I set up the chinese chess set, but no one wanted to play with me...
Friday, 16 December 2011
It's Thursday!
Saturday, 3 December 2011
December Session details!
Saturday, 29 October 2011
Exam period!
Monday, 3 October 2011
Orientation Chalet!

Friday, 30 September 2011
Yo! It looks I haven’t been writing a blogpost for very long since don’t know when…okok. Think is time for me to make some contributions to the blog. Don’t know what to write about so maybe I will just share some of my thoughts after volunteering in the SBH for about 2 years… Actually I am quite curious to find out the reasons why most of our youth volunteers want to join youth…for me why I came to join youth maybe is coincidence. Cos is being psychoed by boss Kelvin in Yr 1 to join WSC although in the end he only joined youth in yr 2. When I first started in Boys Home like after going for a session or twice…I was like quite quiet and shy at that time and never really interact much with the boys cos I don’t know what to talk to them about or more like I am scared I will say something that will offend them or what…it was the Annual camp that actually brought me more closer and taught me how to interact with them. The boys are like a bit more rebellious, uses a bit more vulgarities and they end up there because of mixing with the wrong groups of friends at the wrong time doing wrong things and get caught and punished by law. Sometimes I really feel quite sad for them cos they actually spend their most important part of their teenage years in the Home and worst they are being placed together with those similar to or even more worse than them.
I think that each of us has our own perception of volunteering like helping out the less fortunate, contributing to society, trying out something new or maybe trying to accumulate some good deedsJ Doing voluntary work… I believe most of us will not expect to get any form of rewards in return but …I think that most of us will have the mindset of wanting to do something that we ourselves will consider it as meaningful or useful to our beneficiaries…So what if one day you found out that they are not appreciative of what you are doing for them, they are not responding well to what you have done for them, or maybe you suddenly find that what you are doing does not seems to be meaningful to them…will you start to lose your passion for volunteering? I believe most of us will feel that… not trying to say is wrong cos even myself will feel that also. It’s perfectly fineJ and I think is normally to feel that way.
Cos every year, Youth is one of the portfolio in WSC that has one of the highest number of dropout rates and it looks like one of the problem is that a lot of our volunteers lost the passion for volunteering with the boys. Personally I feel that dealing with the boys is quite different from dealing with other beneficiaries. Compared to like elders, ids, HI, VH,… we are dealing with (I think)a more challenging group. Why challenging? Cos I think that they are too normal…some of them appear to be not appreciative of what we have done, some of them don’t really want to study even though we make an effort to go down to help them, some of them don’t really want us to pity them, some of them are just too noisy(KL)…so that’s y I find that this will make some of us feel that it isn’t that meaningful afterall compared to other portfolios.
In my perception Rsp Youth is more than just organising games for the boys, giving them tuitions or just befriending the boys…it is more of giving them a chance of spend their time with a different group of people and I believe that this is more important cos it is during this time they can get out of their cells, find out answers for their future, tell us certain problems that they are facing and probably get some advices from someone slightly a few years older than them(staffs are too old got generation gap)...this is why sometimes no matter how boring our sessions are(when we are playing some boring games), or when they are tired after one whole day of school(some of them are allow to go to sch), they will still take their time to come down for our NTU sessions. But of course for boys especially at their age most of them will not appreciate our efforts through words(maybe except a few) cos they will think saying things like thank you or showing that they are appreciative of what we are doing for them will appears to be weak?, gay? instead of saying thank you. They show their appreciation by their attendance, their active participation during our sessions, telling us their problems, treating u as a friend or even asking if you are coming next week…
So actually I think that whether the sessions in the boys home are meaningful or not does not really depends on factors like amount of boys that come up for session, how many volunteers that we have, the activities that we conduct during the sessions…but more on like your willingness to interact with them. So is actually up to us volunteers if we want to make our presence meaningful to themJ….okok think I have write too much already…PS is my England is a bit cui. GLHF!
Monday, 19 September 2011
Thursday, 1 September 2011
Tuesday, 9 August 2011
Stock up at JB!
Besides that, we have our guest volunteer joey joining us on that day. Little did u know that he is actually a blk D volunteer, but have been MIA since he joined. haha. Perhaps busy with IGC??
Tuesday, 26 July 2011
Another week has passed..
Frankly speaking, it was quite a tough session as initially some of the boys didnt fancy the idea. So, we spent some time trying to settle them down. Eventually, they were still willing to take part so am glad about it!
After knowing them for one semester's time, i feel that the boys will appreciate what we plan for them although they may not really like it! It's also heartwarming to see them showing concerns and treat the volunteers like friends. Sincerely hope that the boys will change for the better! :)
Monday, 13 June 2011
L!d@n 1st post!
Halloooo… hope you guys are enjoying ur super long and ‘crazy’ holidays.
Ermm.. if I’m not wrong, this is the 1st blog entry I had ever have, so far lah, it is really hard for me to crack my head and dig/pour out whatever I had in my brain. this is tantamount to solving a super hard maths problem. So pardon be for writing craps :D
It have been three weeks since holidays started, I still don’t feel the excitement that I have been expecting since before the exam started. Why? A mundane life is really a torture to me L. Maybe some of you do share the same feeling as me.
And I had read through the june camp proposal, really hope that the boys will enjoy themelves to the fullest and participate fervently, same goes to the volunteers, such intangible thing (happiness) is what we want to give them and of course, for ourselves. And actually I’m quite enthralled by some of the activities also. You guys really got a lot ideas. Bravo!
PS: I hope this will be the last blog entry. Eh, I just don’t like to write, not because I’m lazy, BUT I have no content to write. I remembered last year, one of the module, the prof asked us to write him 5 journal entries, I simply cut and paste from my friend’s entries and submit to him. Because I got NO CONTENT for him. eh.. so try not to ask me to write. try lah, ok..Thank you hor :P
Stay happy always!
Thursday, 9 June 2011
Exam break ends!
It’s been almost 2 months since the last post. After spending weeks with my beloved textbooks, graphic calculator and equations, exams are finally over and it’s time to let a thick layer of dust accumulate on the textbook. So this marks the end of a semester, a whole work year and also the start of weekly Thursday session again.
1st session started right after exam week. We had a whole bunch of activity going on at the same time with different group. The largest crowd being the group playing monopoly deal in the centre of the room. With such a large number of players, the pile of cards for us to draw depleted quite fast and the players are left with only the cards in their hands. We also had ZX, the chess expert playing Chinese chess, a group of boys chit-chating one corner with some volunteers and also Mark giving tuition.
For the 2nd session, Kelvin introduced us to a personality test that enables us to know what type of characteristics we portray, how we tend to react to certain situations and how these characteristics may contribute to being our weakness or strength. After the test and much explaining from Kelvin, I’m sure we all had a better understanding of ourselves, and how we can further improve and better lead our life.
Summer boys camp is coming right up in 2 weeks. Hope we can all have lots of fun and a well deserved rest this holiday.
Darren Ho,
Youth BLK D
Friday, 15 April 2011
Exam break starts!
Monday, 4 April 2011
Session (31/03/2011)
A very brave attempt by our duty comm today. I guess today’s session has exemplified the meaning of no risk no gain bah. Never tot a “chatting” session will be anywhere near a good idea, especially so for boys of their age. Reminds me of a certain thurs last semester where we had our reflection session, which was quite frankly, a rather forgettable one =X
But this time round, it was different. Through this mini “get-to-know” or “debate” session, I actually got to know a lot of stuff about the boys and their thinking. We gathered useful feedbacks and suggestions based on all the previous sessions conducted. They highlighted what they like about our session so far as well as areas that needed improvement. Although I cannot say it’s a big hit for the boys, but it’s definitely insightful for us volunteers, be it for planning future activities or simply for getting to know our boys a little bit more. I’m pretty sure such session cannot be conducted every week, but it will be quite refreshing for us and the boys if they are conducted every once in a while.
Once again, Thank You to our duty comm and fellow volunteers for making every thurs evening an enjoyable one for us all. Keep up the good work people =) Blk D 万岁!!!
Qin Feng
Friday, 1 April 2011
Supper is FUN!!!
Right before our nation's General Election, with PAP having to face off against the opposition parties, undergoing the gruelling questionings by the people, we have our very own election for Block D's next management committee.
If you think that it's going to be a very docile rallying session, then you are sorely mistaken. The candidates were subjected to an intense grilling session by the floor (actually, it's only ZX and his gang at the back), and were required to spell out clearly the vision they have for the block, as well as how they would achieve these goals and vision. Difficult senarios were also posted to the candidates in a bid to sound out the various management style of the individual candidates. Whew, i'm so glad to be the one doing only the voting.
The voting process was done in a jiffy (since i guess we were all late for the session already), with the fate of our candidates in the hands of ZX...and our candidates having to suffer through the excruciating wait while ZX went to have Kopi at Ya Kun (ask him why not Mac), went home to finish his drawings (which took hours) before tallying the votes. At long last, at 3.36am (according to my email), the results are out!
The votes are in, and the people have spoken. Shall not dwell too much on the results.
Lastly, i think this is a good opportunity to thank ZX and the outgoing committee. I think they have been nothing short of wonderful. Amongst the heaps of praises lavished on him yesterday during the election, i just wish to point out that the thing that struck me most abt him was his tolerance, persistence and always putting himself at the frontline...always having to endure us "flying aeroplane" at the last moment.
Till next time,
Mark (slightly crazed today, which accounts for the weird writing style)
PS: I think we should continue ZX's legacy...SUPPER!!! It's a really good opportunity to talk abt random stuff, sessions, opinions...if u dun mind the ARROWS (such as this blogspot itself), GOSSIPS and RUMOURS that may arise out of having supper with him. Haha
Thursday, 17 March 2011
Every Thursday is a happy day :)
Today we all gathered for another round of fun games with the boys~
After exciting rounds of charades, spot the differences, do not forget the lyrics and many more, what else could be left?
We quickly divided ourselves into two groups. The name of the game (idiom!) was to guess correctly words and idioms through hints which could only be drawn out. Just thinking about it seemed challenging and difficult.
This time, we were given several options – one to four worded answers with similar points awarded respectively or idioms, which awarded five points when guessed correctly. Initially everyone was relaxed and amiable as simple words were chosen. It was very amusing to see the various drawings depicting answers like ‘Little Mermaid’ and ‘Little Red Riding Hood’!
However, as the game progressed, we were given harder keywords and a large portion of them consisted of idioms, such as “Actions speak louder than words”, “Do not count your chickens before they’ve hatched”, “Spill the beans” etc. Before long, there was a huge difference of 30 points between the two groups, so tensions were rising as both groups raced to solve the puzzles. Majority of the idioms were solved by the boys – some coolly deduced the answers while others frantically threw out words; it was a pleasant surprise!
Amazingly, at the last question, the other group caught up and thus both groups were neck to neck in points. Amidst much excitement, the game ended and the boys shared their prizes with each other.
This time it was even more heartening, because the number of boys who attended was larger than the number of volunteers present.
And after all these games, it seems that beneath their tough exteriors there lie shy, playful, active teenagers who bond together in their own special way. Let us continue to create many more lasting memories with them :)
Sunday, 13 March 2011
Weekly dosage of happiness~

Thursday, 3 March 2011
Do Not Forget the Lyrics!!!
Katy Perry-Fireworks
Cause baby you're a firework
Come on show 'em what you're worth
As you shoot across the sky-y-y
Do you know what is in the X-X-X-X?! This was how we started our very first song… Yuppie! We played don’t forget the lyrics for today’s session. At first, our group doubted ourselves as we thought that the boys will not really know the songs that we used, but they never fail to surprise us. Most of them know the songs from the bottom of their heart while some were completely clueless. Hahahas. I must mention that it’s more of our volunteers being clueless, and that the boys needed to help them out!
Time flew today as we were late, and sadly we didn’t manage to finish all the 14 songs that we intended to go. We ended off with our national day song which many thought was HOME. Luckily Qinfeng decided to make it a small challenge for them by choosing a song-WE WILL GET THERE that was not their era. This stunned them a little but with the help of our volunteers some teams managed to get it right. After which we gave out the tidbits that we bought and the boys happily munch it while we all left the room…
Next week would be the last week before recess week comes! Hurray! And for the next group, all the best planning.
Friday, 18 February 2011
Sessions on 17/02/11
As the name implies, it is to find any difference between two similar pictures. But to win this game, they have to work together and find all or highest number of the differences within 2 minutes. In almost every picture, the winner team will be given a prize, such as mentos, chocolate and biscuits. They really indulge in their rewards and share with one another. But the most challenging pictures are to spot for 24-25 differences! There are 3 pictures and they are given around 3 minutes each. It is also very tedious and stressful to count the number as we are afraid that we will count wrongly, hence, we counted repeatedly.
Why are we afraid to count wrongly? Because there is forfeit! Having seen in previous session that there is always short of time to give forfeit at the end, hence forfeit is given during the game. The team that found the lowest number of the differences will have to rely on their luck if they will have to do forfeit. What they have to do? Simple, a toy will decide! They have to poke a small knife into a little hole and see if the toy will fly out! If it does, the team will have to do forfeit. One of the team was unlucky! They get all of our forfeit! Eating wasabi and chili, but Kelvin is very kind by providing them with a 1.5 bottle of drink to wash the taste off their mouth. Another forfeit that ends the session is to sing the famous ‘home’ by Kat Chan. This is to celebrate total defence day! (:
Saturday, 12 February 2011
2nd Session
The first game was a food tasting game where the teams were given a spectrum of food to taste, albeit with their eyes closed. The teams had to guess the type and brand of the food. The game proved too easy for the boys and our volunteers who could instantly decipher the nature of the food. Seeing the uplifting mood, we proceeded to the next game.
The second game required extensive memory work coupled with teamwork. The boys and volunteers had 3 minutes to scrutinize pictures that were pasted on the walls. The pictures were then taken down and questions were given to the various groups. Amidst excitement and laughter, the game came to an end. The results were extraordinarily. Certainly, we were pleased to show the boys that with teamwork and pride, even seemingly daunting tasks can be accomplished with ease. It was also a relief to see the volunteers interacting with each other, fostering bonds that we will all look back with glee.
It was a bit disappointing that the turn up rate for the boys was low initially yet the enthusiasm of our peers and the prevailing boys served as a major encouragment.
Looking at the crystalization of the game plan on the day itself and how the teams achieved spectacular results, I was once again assured of the words of Emerson that I hold on dearly in my heart. To end this post, I would like to share with you the quote and hopefully it finds resonance in you: "If you have built castles in the air, your work need not be lost; that is where they should be. Now lay the foundation".
I look forward to more enriching sessions to come.
Natalie Han
Thursday, 27 January 2011
Blk D session ~
Friday, 21 January 2011
Session 20/1/2011
Today was the last session of the holidays. A few volunteers met up for dinner at jurong point while the rest of us met up at the home at 1930. The total number of people who turned up was 18. Hopefully, we can keep up this attendance rate when term starts.
As usual, we splitted up the activities. Tuition on one side and games on the other. As school just started, not many of the boys wanted tuition, so most of the volunteers played games.
Today’s game was inspired by an old game Zhengxin dug up from the archives of this blog. Basically, you had to answer some questions for points. However, the catch was that the letters were written in code, each letter was written as the alphabet preceding it. Thus, the question “who is the president of Singapore” becomes “xip jt uif qsftjefou pg tjohbqpsf”. To make the game harder, each team was given only 30 seconds to decode and answer the question.
Surprisingly, some of the boys were quite adept at figuring out the letters. Within the 30 seconds allocated, most of the boys already knew the answer, prompting Zhengxin to increase the difficulty of the game by allocating only 20 seconds. In the end, my team, Sweeping (named after our dear Siew Ping) came in last but there was no time to do a forfeit as it was already nine o’clock and the staff at the home had to come and ask us to leave.
Then was supper time but sadly, most people just seemed to disappear………………. Leaving only 7 of us………………….
Friday, 7 January 2011
bLk 'D' cAmP
Attending the Block D Camp was probably the most meaningful way to end off 2010!! Honestly, I was a little insecure at first, not knowing what kinda behavior to expect from them, whether we’ll be able to get along etc etc. After all, it was a whole bunch of energetic boys im gonna be dealing with, and being a GL the responsibility falls on me to lead the group. My boys in Bolt were really diverse characters with different temperaments and talents. They really like to wander and disappear ALOT, so im like a mother hen trying to find my little chicks all the time LOL. It was a little awkward at first, slowly learning how to communicate with them through observation and interaction. It's much easier to get them to open up when speaking one-to-one and I was consoled and sincerely happy when through the conversations I see their repentance and willingness to work hard and make amends. Honestly, the boys are really adorable; they like to act tough and pretend they don't give a damn, but deep down I see their sincerity. So touched when Don brought us a plate of chicken wings n cuttlefish balls during performance practice! It’s these small kind acts that show that these boys may appear aloof but actually care for us too. I felt so proud of them when we performed The Reason and You Belong With Me together, though they were so shy (unlike during the practice; stage fright perhaps). When things have to be done they do cooperate to get it done, and I’m so glad I had a group who loved to win so much. For every single game they told me we gonna win it. Love the fighting spirit!! =D
It was a hectic and tiring camp; the games were meant to tire them out, but we got exhausted instead! They guys are really sporty and fit! NTU guys lost by a landslide during tug-o-war with them! Disgrace! LOL. I had a really fun time playing the games with the boys; hadn’t indulged in such fun sports since orientation camps! Soccer, captain's ball, volleyball, frisbee plus the circuit games and dirty games and wet games. Never-ending action all day long!! The boys really enjoyed playing (and winning) and it was through the games that they really exhibited team spirit and support. They kept their spirits high even if we lost, always determined to win the next game. A couple of my boys seemed tired out with the non-stop activities but they recharged real fast and participated enthusiastically J
The camp changed my views about the boys at the home; previously there wasn't much interaction, but through the camp I got to know their personalities and tempers better. Learnt how to banter with them, and the ways to coax and persuade them. The guys are indeed very rowdy, but you can tell that behind their facades they lack self confidence, being really shy to display their talents. It isn't that they are bad or rebellious; a lot of them were unlucky to meet the wrong crowd and made bad decisions. Some of them committed crimes out of impulse; some have tempers that need greater control. I’m heartened to see a lot of them wanting to study to at least achieve their N Levels, and that many of them want to pursue their education further. I wish the society could see that these boys aren't hopeless; they just need guidance and time to grow up. Humans are susceptible to biases, and I once stereotyped them too, though now I’m thankful for the chance to change my perceptions. Some of the boys are leaving the home soon, and I share their joy in that. Really hope that they'll stay on the right path and have a bright future ahead!