Friday, 21 December 2012
Telematch @ Block F!
Friday, 16 November 2012
S One family
Kramie J
Thursday, 21 June 2012
16th June 2012
Thursday, 24 May 2012
So many people have asked over the past 2 years, why am i in Blk D? What is it that i am trying to achieve here? Actually, i felt that once you asked these questions, it means we have failed to meet your expectations in some way. Some people join youth to help boys academically, some just wants to know more about them, some wants to make more friends. No matter what, all of us came with an expectation.
I have to admit that we have failed to meet your expectations in the past 8 months. And with the family day cancelled and news that we are not going to be involved in camp, we will continue to disappoint you. Thus, I would like to appeal to all Blk D members, whether senior or junior, to treat Blk D as a newly opened club. With no history, past events, culture to build on, just a group of close and committed volunteers. Whether you are just a volunteer or in the main comm or you had MIA for half a year, i would like you to actively build blk D from scratch.
Get us more events to interact with other youths, organise more outings or set up an initiative for our weekly sessions (eg. Singing classes) You do not have to be in main comm to start something here! The main comm is there to work for you! And who is there to say that our involvement have to be related to the home?? We can help out in cc or other schools too. Someone have to help to start the initiative.
In these few years where talk is cheap, commitment is now an understatement. It takes much more than a mature mindset or great ideas to make things happen. We need actions. We can make Blk D a more meaningful place together.
Thursday, 22 March 2012
New Committee!
Sunday, 18 March 2012
For example last week, one of the boys, Avery (I don't know how to spell his name), joined us for games! Initially, he didn't like our games at all. One of the week, we played monopoly deal but he thinks that it is very boring. So, as volunteers, of course we felt rejected and sad! ): Although this week he didn't join us for twister but he sort of spin the game thing for us, which in a way is also participating in the game? After that when we got tired of the game, we improvised and used the hoops in that twister game to play "monkey". AND AND, HE JOINED IN! :D :D :D at that point of time, i really felt like there is this sense of accomplishment that he joined in the game! And that session became very fulfilling because for once, he really joined in the game! And I think maybe because of this, he is slowly opening up as well. (: After that when we played uno stacko, he joined in as well! Normally he will just say that the game is boring and then sit one side. But this time he joined us!!! :D
Not only Avery participated in the game, Bruno (another boy) initiated to want to talk to us. Like after the games end and everything, he just tells us that hey, let's sit down and talk. This is also another happy thing because this time round, it is the boy who initiated to want to talk to us and I assume that maybe he wants to know us more as well. (: Ohya, last last week, Bruno also told us that he will be having a performance, which I think he is hinting us to go but we as volunteers, we don't know if we are allowed to like go or something. :/ But, for him to be able to share this to us, I think it took him an amount of courage to say it as well. And this is what made me feel that, sometimes they maybe just need someone to talk to instead of playing games and having fun all the time. This is something that I learnt from the few previous sessions.
Hahaha, back to the topic! So, in the future, I hope that everyone of us will have the chance to feel this sense of "accomplishment" (I don't know how to describe this feeling) because I feel that this sense of "accomplishment" will be the motivation for us to continue going for sessions and also take the initiative to get to know more boys. But of course, not all the boys are like Bruno or Avery, there are bound to be some boys who are more shy and may take quite some time to open up to us. But I'm sure if we keep trying to get to know them more, they surely will take the initiative to talk to us one day! (: After all, we are just making friends with them! (: And of course, instead of having games every week, maybe sometimes we should put in some "skills lessons", like the sign language the other time. (: Maybe we can teach them balloon scrulpting, magic etc etc. Or just ask them for opinions like what would they like to learn. (: And most importantly, I feel that we should take the initiative to talk to them. To be honest, I don't know all the boys yet but at least I'm getting to know their names one by one. (:
I just hope that all of us can get to know majority of the boys better and just talk to them and get to know them. Basically, just making friends with them! :D To approach them in a group doesn't seem like a bad idea as well! (which I think is what is happening now) At least one of us confirm will have a common topic with the boys one. (: Like be it music, sports or even computer games? Once you have a common topic, it will be easier to approach the boys! :D And hopefully one day, all of them will tell us "see you next week". Confirm very heartwarming one! :D
2) Carmen Chow
As part of a committee, I feel that welfare of the members is of the top priority and that brings to the point that everyone will have fun and enjoy in this CCA. In addition, it is also equally important that we learn and gain some experience in the process.
For the upcoming year I believe that it will be more enriching and fulfilling for everyone if there are other activities apart from weekly sessions.
For example, a possible activity that I find meaningful is to bring the boys out as I found out that they usually do not have any plans during their home leave. A possible activity is to bring them to another home (e.g. old folks home) where they will be the volunteers instead. Although such activities are not easy to plan, I believe that it is worth trying out because the boys are always on the end where volunteers come to interact with them. Hence it will be a different experience for them and us, when they themselves are the volunteers instead.
As for the weekly sessions, I feel that we should continue having games at the start for interaction, and have a 20-minute befriending session at the end. However, we should also find out who are the ones who may be interested in tuition (especially those having major examinations soon), and offer help accordingly.
The main focus should be both pro-beneficiary and pro-volunteer, like what Kelvin mentioned previously. I feel that the point of going for sessions is to enjoy meeting your fellow cca mates and also engaging with the boys.
Also, the main focus of sessions now would be to interact with the boys and not to complete the games (As some of us may have felt that the focus was on completing the game in the past). The games would only serve as a platform for us to engage the boys (like a “common topic”!). That’s why we have been having lots of board games sessions recently. I feel that it’s a good step to take! As such, all of us do not have to follow a fixed schedule of things to do and complete. We are able to improvise on the spot and I feel that often that is better than planning. But of course, we should still have planned sessions, just that we should be more flexible and ensure that the games allow for interactions. I have noticed that during our planned sessions, there tend to be some boys who just sit at a side and not join in and there is nothing much we can do about it. However, when we have impromptu sessions (like board games), it is easier to engage these boys whether through playing together or talking!
Previous session, we played twister and monkey with some of the boys. On the whole, I felt that it was a really successful session as all of the boys were engaged actively with all the different volunteers. Small groups like this would facilitate talking even better as it would be easier to talk to the boys about their lives and for us to learn a listening ear to them, if needed. If possible, we could have more physical games (like twister and monkey)! They don’t have to be really physical likes sports but perhaps more physical than like those where we are seated down and have to think. Even some of the boys who do not join in our planned games normally joined us. I felt that was one step towards getting to know them better. (: We had station games previously. It was more physical compared to our other planned sessions but the session did not really go according to how we planned. I feel that it could be due to the “rules” that we implemented. From my point of view, the boys will participate more actively when they feel less restricted.
Enrichment sessions like the sign language were useful and meaningful. But to the boys, they felt that there was no point in learning it. That is according to feedback when we asked them. Nevertheless, they still took part in it and it was good! Perhaps we could teach them things that are more relevant to them. I can’t think of examples at the moment. :/
For those more musically inclined boys, we could bring in musical instruments (like guitar). But I think this idea might not be very feasible since it wouldn’t be able to engage all of them. Maybe some of us volunteers (the guys..?) can play some songs and put up a mini performance there! (:
Overall, it is nice to see the boys and us evolving session after session together and how they are more open to speaking to us, likewise how we have overcomed our initial shyness to speak to them.
4)Tan Chee Wei
Frankly, I am an unmotivated individual and have little intention to run for the top position – Center Head. I was simply worried that there was simply no one willing to take up the leadership roles and so, I volunteered to do so. If you think there are any better candidates among the nominees, please do support them.
Anyway, from my sessions of volunteering, I recommend the following modifications:-
· To balance the number of volunteers on Wednesday and Thursday
o Mentioning the days of volunteering to the next batch
o Acquiring class timetable from volunteers for better fit
o Recruiting fellow RSP Youth volunteers from other blocks for Wednesday session
· To align our sessions with the Boys’ Home’s new teaching philosophy
o Profiling (casual) of volunteers based on their hobbies and expertise
o Allowing boys to teach us their expertise
· For better administration purposes
o Setting up of Block email for better smooth handover
o Setting up of Block calendar for volunteers to synchronize with
o Setting up of Block folder in cloud storage platform such as Dropbox for easier proposal reference
After all, you are the one volunteering and none of this should be forced upon you. Should my modifications be uncomfortable to the volunteers, please do tell me. I’ll definitely be more than willing to hear from you proposals on how we can improve the block sessions together.
Should I not be elected, I wish that the next committee can take into consideration of what I have proposed.
Chee Wei
Direction :
1)creating an enjoying and fulfilling session for the volunteers.
2)recreational session/need a listening ear session for the boys
*definitely not counselling session.
Hopes/room for improvement
1)instilling a sense of commitment in the volunteers.
-> the boys know who came and expect to see u agn the next round.
Here's the 5 candidates thoughts! See you all on Wednesday 21st March 7pm AT WSC room!! Your vote is important!! Remember there is camp planning too!!! Regards!
Saturday, 17 March 2012
Recess week session
This is supposed to be a post on sessions during the recess weeks, but it is over-due because I am busy waging war with various mid-terms and projects. So finally by now, most of us would have already finished our mid-terms. (Or did the mid-terms finished you guys, anyway it's over...)
So back to session.
Have you tried talking with your hands, or listening with your eyes?
For the session during recess week, the boys were taught on how to use sign language. After learning the basic alphabets, they were asked to spell out words using sign language for their group members to guess. And trust me it wasn't easy, at least for a slow learner like me. You had to look at the hand gesture and relate it to one of the twenty six possibility available. By the time I figured out whether the first letter is a "T" or a "K", he had already finished spelling out the whole word. But luckily for us, we had expert Yeh Lin in our group, and this was a piece of cake to him. He reads sign language as fast as reading a book.
It was an interesting and fun session. Something new and not tried before. Maybe next time we can try morse code or even cryptography.
Okay back to projects. Bye~
Tuesday, 28 February 2012
Totally Random! =D

Monday, 27 February 2012
The Spirit of Volunteerism
Friday, 24 February 2012
sign language alphabets and numbers
Wednesday, 8 February 2012
Session activities for the period of 15th Feb to 1st March
Saturday, 21 January 2012
Happy Chinese New Year!
Friday, 20 January 2012
It’s a new year. Let’s have new dreams.
Well time passed really fast. It would be cliché to say that time flew with the blink of the eye, for during the past half a year in RSP-Youth, I have gone through countless of blinks which I’ve held dear.
My half a year in RSP-Youth has been ironically my first commitment to an RSP despite being in WSC for the past 3 years. I have served most of my time in Special Projects, hassling much events planning and adventure camps for the deaf, doing administrative work to ensure the bridge between the special projects and the university’s administration. My work, rather, my involvement for the past 3 years has definitely been eventful and memorable. I had my fair share of laughter and tears, hair pulling moments and gratifying instances. I’ve learnt immensely, regardless hard skills, soft skills and at least personally, I think I’ve emerged as a better person. At this point of time, I am proud to say, “I’ve never regretted a single moment spent in WSC”.
It was at the beginning of my year 4 semester 1 that I asked myself “why not a RSP?” Perhaps it would be adept to answer firstly “why Special Projects at the start?”
When I was in year 1, a blur and lost freshie amongst the crowd of the colorful varsity campus, I admitted to have randomly chanced upon the WSC fair and spotted by friend. I never had the intention to join WSC, let alone to know what it stands for. This friend of mine (who was already a senior in NTU) pulled me into a special project portfolio. I rationalized that it would be good to start from a special project (SP) since the commitments would not be on a regular basis. Boy! Was I wrong! The physical commitment wasn’t regular, the mental commitment and the need for individual work responsibility was colossal. Yet I preserved and continued on for another year. For in the eyes of the beneficiaries and their gestures of appreciation, I saw something which I haven’t felt for the past years. In the words of a fellow volunteer, I heard something which I shared countless times with my other peers:
“You know I wanted to quit during this point of time? It was really tiring. But at the end of the camp, when the beneficiaries came over and thank me, it was the genuine “thank you” I felt that makes it all worthwhile…”
Indeed, it was all worthwhile.
At the end of my stints in the management committee of WSC, I told myself I wanted to be reconnected with the core of volunteerism, to be a normal volunteer again. I wanted something that I can feel for. I wanted something which I know I can impact the lives of others. Perhaps, I wanted something extraordinary. Perhaps I yearned to be part of a new place, to see new faces ignited with the same passion for the society, to be touched with the same experiences that kept regular volunteers coming back for more.
I chose RSP-Youth and I’ve never regretted thus far.
This is where I got my second exposure to the hidden side of the society (the first was that in army). This is the first chance for me to impact this hidden side of the society. I remembered my first session with the boys. I was definitely edgy. I wasn’t afraid of the society’s stigma of tattoos etc. I realized had no idea how to communicate with the boys.
Well, I wouldn’t say that I am proficient with the boys now. At least I’m already comfortable amongst them. Hey! I joined in their chants for Kelvin to perform forfeits etc. I got to know some of their stories. I got to know some of their aspirations which I know they will go on to strive for after this chapter of their lives. I knew many of them would have seen the light of tunnel when they leave the complex and continue with their normal routines.
Many a times, during the course of volunteering, I asked myself how many lives have I changed? How many people will go on and remember this chap that might be preaching about the rights and wrongs? How many people whom I’ve got in contact prior would even remember what I’ve said? And then, I chanced upon the quote.
“If you can't feed a hundred people, then feed just one.” - Mother Teresa
No single effort is insignificant. Every step, every gesture counts. I do indeed feel good about doing good. Using the words in the name of a youtube channel “Doing good is contagious”. Doing good releases endorphins… bah! You get what I meant, or you’ll eventually get what I meant J
I am also honored to be walking amongst the ranks of fellow regular volunteers. I sincerely applaud you guys for making this bold move towards such commitment. I earnestly congratulate you guys for making a momentous and gratifying choice.
And a year has passed. The spring dawns after the winters retreats. Sun sets and cyclically rises, from dawn till dusk. Yet almost every week, most of us would still sit at the visitor lobbies, eagerly waiting for the time to walk through the fences of security, into the oh-so-familiar classrooms of the complex, eagerly waiting for the session to start. Definitely not forgetting the kopi-pengs, teh-pengs, holick-pengs, milo-pengs almost ritually at around 9.30pm.
This is RSP- Youth Blk D J
~yeh lin~
January Sessions!
Due to Chinese New Year, there would be no sessions for next week. So have a nice rest!!
Sessions will continue on 1st Febuary. For that week 2, we would be playing...
Guess the song title
With the music and lyrics, one person from each group would be acting out the lyrics and the rest would guess the song title. More points would be given for sending a boy out to act. The first grp to guess correctly the song title will win. There would be (6-7 songs in total)
We are Singaporeans
Questions on Singapore would be asked and grps will answer the questions
Logistics for week 2
Lilin- Mp3 player loaded with songs and lyrics
Swee Ying- We are Singaporeans Questions, paper and pens
Week 3-8th and 9th Febuary
Week 3 would be station games. There would be 3 grps and each grp will rotate ard the stations. Each station is 15 minutes.
Station 1-6 tasks in 100secs
Task 1-Blow ping pong ball out of water
Task 2-Tongue Twister
Task 3-10 Push up
Task 4-Memorise a 3 lines paragraph
Task 5-Chopstick 3 ping pong ball
Task 6-Blow and burst a balloon
Station 2- Balancing game
Using a cloth and plastic cup, balance a ping pong ball on top of the plastic cup while walking to the other side.
Station 3-Drawing Game
A simple object would be given to one person, the person would have to describe the object for the others to draw out.
Logistics for week 3
Peiwen and chris
1 sheet of tongue twister
1 3 line paragraph
plastic bowl(4) and chopsticks(3)
Water bottle with water
Trash bags
Drawing Qn
Kelvin- Ping pong balls and balloons
That's all!! Huat ah!!!
Monday, 16 January 2012
First time posting here. (: I'm happy to be a part of Block D cause I think you're all awesome people yay. Okay back to the topic..
I've had fun this few months, going for session every week and having frequent suppers with you guys! Its interesting to see how the boys have evolved, from their intial shyness during the first session when we met them (and also our initial shyness hahaha) to how they are more comfortable around us now! I'm sure we are glad to see this "evolution".
The latest session we played the price is right! Its fun to see how the boys actually know the price of some of the household products that I thought I knew (but eventually don't know LOL). Never knew they would have this side of them also. :S
Looking forward to more sessions and more bonding events! (: Block D ♥!
So those who have not been coming sessions should come! ^^